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Tutor FAQ: Text

How can we log in our service hours?

Most of the FCPS schools use X2VOL to track of service hours and there is an option to print out all the service-learning hours you have done in X2VOL, so you have proof of all service-learning you do. If  you school doesn't use X2VOL then we can send you a record of all the service hours you have received tutoring at TS2L Learning, on request. You can also talk to your school counselor on how to print the hours out and how you would give the colleges proof on your service-learning.  If you have any questions on how to print your service learning hours please contact us and we can guide you.

Tutor FAQ: Text

How long are the sessions and how many days a week do we meet?

We usually do 6 sessions in total and the tutor meets with their students once every week for 1 hour.

Tutor FAQ: Text

What resources can we use to tutor?

We provide the tutors with all the resources required once they sign up. If requested by a tutor we can give more resources to help them teach their student.

Tutor FAQ: Text

How will colleges refer back to this and be able to verify that we actually participated in the program? Will we get something when we graduate or maybe a certificate?

Most of the FCPS schools use X2VOL to track of service hours and there is an option to print out all the service-learning hours you have done in X2VOL, so you have proof of all service-learning you do. If requested we will send you a document with the record of all the service hours you have received tutoring at TS2L Learning. X2VOL will show you all the Chord/Seals you will receive during graduation by your school; which include a "Service Learning Chord" for 40 hours, and a "Civics Seal" and a "Science and Environment Seal"  for 50 hours. You can also talk to your counselor on how to print the hours out and how you would give the colleges proof on your service-learning.  If you have any questions on how to print your service learning hours please email us and we can guide you. Tutors at our organization also receive a certificate/leadership role if they have shown outstanding work.

Tutor FAQ: Text

Will Tutors will get volunteering hours for tutoring or is it a paid position?

Tutors will get volunteering hours for tutoring. Every batch a tutor gets 6 service hours for 6 sessions completed.

Tutor FAQ: Text
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